Privacy Policy of the Blue App

The Blue app (hereinafter referred to as “we,” “our,” or “the app”) is dedicated to reef aquarium keeping and building a passionate community. Protecting your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This privacy policy aims to explain what data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.

1. Collected Data

We collect the following data:

  • First and last name
  • Mailing address (optional)
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Email address
  • Username
  • User’s tank measurements
  • Aquarium-related data
  • Equipment-related data
  • Information about fish
  • Information about corals
  • Information about detritivores (when provided by the subscriber)

2. Purpose of Data Collection

We collect this data for the purpose of:

  • Personalizing the user experience within the Blue community.
  • Providing accurate measurements of water parameters.
  • Optimizing the experience in the Blue app.

3. Data Collection

User data is collected through forms during registration.

4. Data Storage and Security

User data is stored on a secure server external to the app. It is protected by high-security encryption, and only authorized personnel (Blue administration team members) have access to this data. Inactive user accounts, without deletion requests from the user, are retained indefinitely.

5. Cookie and Similar Technologies Management

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance the user experience.

6. Data Sharing

Data sharing pertains to information regarding the aquarium, measurements, fish, corals, detritivores, and equipment. Only the user’s first and last name are displayed on the sharing page. Sharing is initiated by the user via the sharing button on various app pages. An option to disable sharing is available in the “Tank” section when selecting an aquarium. Blue does not share users’ personal information.

7. User Rights

By agreeing to create an account on Blue, users must provide a minimum of information. Users can access and modify their information at any time directly within the app.

8. User Consent

By creating an account on Blue, the user confirms the processing of their data by Blue by checking the agreement box.

9. Contact

To contact us, users can use the contact link available in the app or send an email to the following address:

10. Policy Changes

Blue reserves the right to change, modify, or evolve the privacy policy at any time and without prior notice. Users will be informed through notifications within the app.

All rights reserved© Bluereef 2023

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